Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Site Launch!

Tonight my long awaited Blog site has been launched. The purpose of this site is to provide updates for everyone on my current work. Each project I will be posting one picture along with a small description as to what you are seeing. Sometimes it will be weekly, others monthly. Keep an eye out for surprises and hidden links.

• This is my forever permanent site address.
• Ataraxian is my motion graphic design alias. It derives from the word "ataraxia".


  1. Anorexian!! I knew you were too skinny! You need to EAT! Mangia!

  2. What??? where's 'daddyleg?' or 'bigspoon' or 'just whos the boss?'
    Actually, I like it....:)))))

  3. Uhg... *Feels regret pang of advertising new site to family*

  4. I LOVE your site layout. It's got a very future-alien-in-a-test-tube look. Great job on the animation too. Looking forward to seeing more of your links!


  5. (Heh heh...animation...heh. Actually, I'm sure it's cutting edge Zen animation we're 'seeing').
